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  1. W. Scott Petersen
    July 4, 2021 @ 8:20 am

    Are the containers for Pico C or a reserve of Pico Paks available anywhere? I have a brand new machine and only one picopak


    • Craig
      July 4, 2021 @ 6:20 pm

      I wrote this before the company folded up. Basically, no.

      If you just acquired a machine, your best bet is A) To join the Picobrewers Facebook Group, B) Manual brew according to the company instructions, and/or C) Buy or fabricate a grain bin (such as the Pico-Free) that works like a PicoPak.

      The biggest problem with there being no Paks is that keeping the ingredients in their respective containers was required for true “automation”. Simulating that with a reusable container is how we’ve been doing it successfully so far. Manual brewing is a close second where you are using the device to maintain the desired temperatures, but you need to pause each cycle to swap out bags of ingredients.

      Please join us on the FB Group. There’s a ton of information there including setting up software to replace PicoBrew’s in preparation for when the company truly shuts down their server.


  2. Chuck
    October 2, 2022 @ 1:44 pm

    I have a Pico Z1, and bought pico paks before I brewed anything, about 2 years ago, never opened them until this weekend. I do not understand where the adapter is for this setup… it didnt come in the box and was not included in my equipment set. I understand I am also late to the game on the pico-free box, although if anyone has one or know where someone has one that isn’t using it and would be willing to part with it, I wiudl give it a good home as I am getting back into my longtime hobby of brewing beer


    • Craig
      October 2, 2022 @ 8:54 pm

      Hi Chuck, first of all, if you are using a Z1, you DO NOT need the Pico-free bins. Pico-Free is ONLY for the smaller Pico Pro/C/S models to use your own ingredients.

      Second, I own a Z1 and I don’t even know if I even have that adapter. Unless you paid big money for your Pico Paks, I would either dump the raw ingredients into the machine as if I were brewing the Pak, OR I would just toss the Pico Paks altogether and brew with my own ingredients. Any Paks still kicking around are certainly very old and contain expired ingredients. Move on, buddy. You can brew whatever you want in a Z1. Just buy a recipe kit or make your own.


  3. Darryl
    January 5, 2023 @ 12:34 pm

    Very nice summary, but slightly out of date now.
    Please update
    As of January 6, 2023, pico-free boxes are still available at for about $65 shipping fee included for US.


    • Craig
      January 6, 2023 @ 5:11 pm

      I have a pop-up directing new visitors to


  4. Rich Swimm
    February 19, 2023 @ 1:50 pm

    I have a Picobrew C that I’m trying to resurrect. Just tried a deep clean and got an error message 19. I’ve followed the directions to test the unit from and it appears I have a faulty thermoblock. Is there an alternative to use to replace this component? Is there an assembly schematic available anywhere? Or am I basically screwed?


    • Craig
      February 20, 2023 @ 1:42 am

      Your best bet is to post your question on the Picobrewers Facebook group.


      • Dale Carlson
        September 26, 2023 @ 2:42 pm

        Hay how or where or what stage would I add malt? Or just warm it up with the water before it goes to the machine? Thanks dale


        • Craig
          September 27, 2023 @ 11:05 pm

          You add all ingredients at the same time – before even starting the device.


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